181003-开发小区素人踢裆 倩楠qiannan 00000 181003-开发小区素人踢裆 倩楠qiannan 00001 181003-开发小区素人踢裆 倩楠qiannan 00002
181003-开发小区素人踢裆 倩楠qiannan.ScrinList

失败了多次后的唯一一次成功,时间是下午时间,在电梯门口遇到两位素人,经过协商后,可以尝试,素人允许拍摄 但是要求不能拍脸,个人声音也做了处理,尊重隐私,踢的挺狠的,有一个女孩特别敢下脚,另外一个表现一般,全程都在录制,包括协商阶段(声音做了处理)具体的看图。大约踢了半小时。但是很多露脸和没必要的经过就删除了。视频可见 ,从白天踢到太阳落山。

The only success after many failures.,The time is in the afternoon.,Meet two amateurs at the elevator door.,After negotiation,You can try.,Amateurs are allowed to shoot But the requirements can’t be slapped.,Personal voice has also been processed.,Respect for privacy.,Kicked very hard.,There’s a girl who dares to kick down.,The other one is average.,The whole process is being recorded.,Including the negotiation stage (the sound is processed) specific picture.。 Kicked for about half an hour. But a lot of face-showing and unnecessary passages were deleted. The video is visible from daytime kicking until the sun sets.

Name: 181003-开发小区素人踢裆 倩楠qiannan.mp4
Permission: HD
Duration: 00:14:40
File size : 483 MB
Resolution : 1280 @ 720


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